Healthy Aging & Physical Disability RRTC

The Healthy Aging Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) is a federally-funded research center focused on promoting healthy aging for persons living with long-term physical disability. We conduct local and national research studies, offer local and webinar-based trainings, distribute evidence-based findings on healthy aging and disability, and train researchers and providers.  The RRTC is directed by Ivan Molton, PhD at the University of Washington and receives funding from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), an agency within the Administration on Community Living.

Our Mission: 

  1. To better understand what helps or hinders persons with physical disabilities access adequate health care and rehabilitation services.
  2. To better understand the impact of secondary conditions on the lives of people living and growing older with a long-term physical disability.
  3. To adapt and test health promotion programs to see if these programs are able to help people living with a long-term physical disability age well.
  4. To develop and test new programs that help people tap into their resilience and coping abilities in the toughest periods of their life.
  5. To train new researchers and health care providers in the field of aging and disability.
  6. To share our findings with health care providers, advocates, policy-makers, persons living with a long-term physical disability and those who care about them.
  7. To answer questions and connect people to the resources they need.

Our Dissemination Products Include:

Published Works in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Evidence-Based Factsheets, developed by experts in the field and informed by consumers living with physical disabilities:

Plain Language Research Summaries of our Published Works in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Training Activities